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My Lipsense Journey

      I was born with a connective tissue disorder called Ehler's Danlos Hyper-mobility Type. The protein that makes my collagen is defective, so connective tissue stretches and tears easily. Because of this, the joints in my body are very lax, causing dislocations and ligament/tendon tears.
     This year, something happened to me that I didn't even know was possible. My C1 and C2 vertebrae began dislocating. Each time I dislocated, I was running a 54% risk of neurological damage and 15% risk of death. I dislocated a total of 14 times before my spinal fusion surgery.
  I spent a month and a half total in a neck brace. I was fatigued, in pain, and overall feeling gross. It was such a stressful and enduring time. That's when I got into Lipsense. To make surgeries and painful medical procedures a little more bearable, I would get myself a "boo boo" present for each surgery. For my spinal fusion, Lipsense was my "boo boo" present.
Day 4 Post Op wearing Beige Champagne

2 weeks post op, Dark Pink
     Lipsense didn't take away my pain, but it made me feel pretty when I felt disgusting. It made me happier when I felt tired and sad. I would sit on the couch and try out different color combinations to keep myself busy. I truly loved the product!

     Fast forward to today, and I am healing so much better! I love wearing Lipsense to this day, and it still makes me feel confident and beautiful. I enjoy the product so much that I decided to become a distributor and save a little money on the long list of products I want to buy.
2 months post op
2 months post op
If you would like to try this amazing product, follow this link and enter 486820 as "My Distributors ID" We have 36 different lip colors and 11 different types of glosses to choose from! If you would like to join the lipsense journy and sign up as a distributor, follow this link and use 486820 as the referring distributor's ID when you sign up! 

Shades Availiable for $25 each

Glosses available for $20 each


  1. I love this product, it is so great. They have such a large variety of color and it stays in place. No more lipstick mark on my glasses. I also love how you can wear it the same shade in matte or gloss and give it a completely different look.

    1. Me too!! Roseberry and Opal Gloss are one of my favorite combinations. It looks so different than it does with the Glossy Gloss!

  2. they have so many shades of lipstick! Yes! And the best part of it is that they are a cruelty free brand! <3

    1. Yess!! And natural ingredients! I love St. John's Wort, so this was a total plus for me.

  3. You are so brave! Your story is a little scary and i wish you bedt health. The lip product look superb! Absolutely charming and it fits you nicely.

  4. I am sorry you went through so much pain. You are very brave and also admirable because you did find a bit of joy in the small things, like lipsticks. The colors are really nice, I can see some I really like.

  5. I'm so sorry to hear about your experiences, you are one tough cookie and you should praise yourself for all you've had to endure. Its truly inspiring. These shades look great on you, what a great way to treat yourself!

  6. Sorry to hear about all that you are going through. however, you look fab and really suit these shades - go you and keep on writing - loved the post :) x

  7. Thank you all for the sweet and supportive comments!

  8. I hope you get well soon, but you look very cute, I love the colors.

  9. True story, my aunt has Ehlers Danlos and she introduced my daughter and I to Lipsense years ago when I didn't even know it existed. I am glad you are feeling better!

  10. I'm so glad that you are feeling better. They have such fun colors. My daughter uses the fly girl for her cheer comptetions.

  11. Sorry to hear your experience, glad you are feeling better now. You look so beautiful and the lipsticks are really awesome, I really love all the colors. great products!

  12. I am glad you are feeling better now. The lip products look so good. Good to know that they have a nice shade range too. You look very pretty.

  13. I haven't tried LipSense yet but it sounds fun! I'm so sorry for the struggles you went through. I'm glad you were able to find the care and remedies you needed. Everyone needs a boost now and then.

  14. I am more of a gloss girl than a lipstick girl, but I hate it when they are sticky. And I love shine, but not with glitter. Going to check out a couple of the options I see here. Thanks for sharing your story!

    1. Glossy gloss definitely sounds like the gloss for you! All shine, no glitter. I also think the color RoseBerry or Goddess would look AMAZING on you!

  15. Your story is so powerful...the glosses look good plus the berry shade is such a beautiful color for winters!

  16. Sorry to hear about all that you are going through and you look so pretty with these lipsticks color. Keep the good work!

  17. That's awesome that Lipsense helped you to feel better. I'm sure that it just also gave you something else to focus on in this time.

  18. Great to hear how Lipsense helped you overcome your feeling sad. Isn' t great when something as simple as lipgloss can help us in a big way.


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